Finding pretty stuff for the shop...
Helping the new family member feel at home...
Learning how to use these after the new family member "broke" me...
Trying to get around here...
On these...
Cleaning up mud...
Cleaning up mud...
Cleaning up mud...
Oh, yeah...and then there's work...
Stick a fork in me...I'm done...
So I've Been...
Hello, MMXI...
We've been anxiously waiting for you!
We have high hopes that you will be better than MMX. Last year really kicked our butts. This year we're hoping no broken-hearts, no broken dreams. We're hoping for more laughter than tears, hard work that still allows for fun, and time enough to do it all. We'd appreciate physical health, strong love, positive attitudes and spiritual strength.
And we hope all this for you as well!!
Bring it on, MMXI!...
P.S. Hippie Nude Deer!
~Remembering Paisley
Luka- origin: Russian...
Variant form of in the apostle Luke...a Physician...a Healer... a Mender of Broken Hearts.
This little boy was the Siberian Husky pup we planned on getting to be a friend to our Paisley. We did a bit of soul-searching and decided we should still go pick him up. We drove a total of 9 hrs round-trip...I have a very understanding husband.
It was a good decision. He's been our Healer. Who knew we needed this toe-biter? This de-stuffer of toys? This paper towel and dryer sheet shredder? This fur-covered smile-maker...
I so miss my Paisley girl. I get teary eyed just saying her name. But Luka seems to listen when I tell him about the sweet and funny friend he never got to meet. And his puppy slurps help too.
He's trying his best to fit in. In the 4 weeks hes been here, he's learned to "sit", "shake", "speak, "down" and working hard on "sit pretty". House-breaking seems to be an on and off priority for Mr. Luka. He'll get back to me on how today's going to go...
I hope we survive another puppy...
Heart Break...

While I was getting ready for work, I stopped to close a window and played a quick game of peek-a-boo with Paisley as she was sitting outside on the deck.

All seemed well. Less than a minute later, she began howling like she was caught under something. I ran out and she was laying on the ground still howling...and then she was gone. I quickly called the vet while I threw on some clothes, snatched her up and sped to the clinic. I knew it was already too late. There was nothing they could do for her. It's hard to determine what happened. They checked for snake-bite (no signs), considered poisoning (not likely, happened too quick), maybe a broken neck ( there are only 2 steps she could've fallen from), or maybe a heart problem.

It might have been her heart. We were just at the vet's for a check up and doctor didn't notice anything but Baby Puppy was a genetic mess: her parents were brother and sister, she had an extra toe and quite an underbite and I thought her spine felt a little more bony and prominent than other dogs I've had. But she was so healthy and active! I never expected this to happen. My poor baby was only 15 months old! We were making plans to travel Sunday to maybe bring home a Husky puppy to join our family. We thought they could grow up together. Now...
I feel I let her down. I should have brought her inside when the thought had first crossed my mind. That maybe if I had tried CPR. I don't know. I should have done something...
But I love you, Paisley.
You made me smile every day.

Hi, my name is Beth...
and I am a Hoarder. In fact, I'm probably the premier episode of this season's "Hoarders". Honestly, I can't stand my studio like this. It makes me nuts. I can't find anything and when I do, what I want is always on the bottom of a pile...
or that pile...

or this pile.

Honestly, I didn't even know there was anything playing on the radio at 2 A.M.
Results? I'm taking with me about 50 chenille purses and a smattering of pillows. Paisley's shop will be selling her signature Puppy Cookies as well.
So why am I baring my soul, showing you my darkest secrets, putting it out there for the whole world to see and snicker at?
It's a reminder:
Creativity is a messy process.

P.S. Thank you my family! If you hadn't slipped food and water under the door, I would have surely died!
Dear Lyle...

Did you know how special you were? How incredible we thought you were? Our snack sneaking chatty chipmunk, so funny and sweet. Oh how many times have we begun a conversation and once you got started you could just go on and on; we'd step away or into the next room and still you'd talk, returning minutes later to find you...still talking. I think it's great you just kept going, knowing we'd catch up.
You enjoyed life, simple and straight-forward. Nothing was better for you than being under the hood of an old car with a couple of your kids...unless it's taking a drive in the old car with a couple of your kids. Or taking a drive in the old car with a couple of your kids while having a snack, preferably cake.
You knew your treasures were not of silver and gold and paper currency but in the smiles of your wife, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Riches packed into a tender hug or the quickest of "high fives".
I don't think you really knew how much you touched our lives. How a piece of you is tucked away in each one of us. We'll hold onto this piece of you and every time we gather together, we'll bring out all these little bits and we'll have you with us once again.
I'm so glad I knew you.
With love,
P.S. Grandpa Lyle, now that you're in heaven, please make time to find Hamster Jerry so neither of you is lonely...
The Legend of the Dragonfly
“In the bottom of an old pond lived some grubs who could not understand why none of their group ever came back after crawling up the lily stems to the top of the water. They promised each other that the next one who was called to make the upward climb would return and tell what had happened to him. Soon one of them felt an urgent impulse to seek the surface; he rested himself on the top of a lily pad and went through a glorious transformation which made him a dragonfly with beautiful wings. In vain he tried to keep his promise. Flying back and forth over the pond, he peered down at his friends below. Then he realized that even if they could see him they would not recognize such a radiant creature as one of their number.
1st Birfday...
So Miss Paisley is one year old. Actually, she was one year old on June 16th but because of work schedules we had to put off the big celebration.
So today, after Jaina and I were off from work, we had the big party. HOOT HOOT *cough*
First Jaina, Paisley and I headed to the bestest place in town...Chuck E. Cheese!! Just kidding. We went to PetSmart so Paisels could pick out her own presents. She decided she wanted a parakeet. A real parakeet. Mommy said no.
After a bit we managed to get her to the toy aisle but still she was looking over her shoulder at the tweeties. Here's what we think she was thinking. "Hmmmmmm, the blue ones probably taste like peppermint, the white ones like vanilla, the green ones...lemon-lime??"
There's just soooooo much to see. How does a puppy choose??
Oooooooo! such a cuuuute monkey! And a girl just can't have too many Bobo's...
And what's this?? It's not really a parakeet but a chicken will do!
The treat aisle was soooooo interesting! But everybody knows you have to dig deep cuz the good stuff is always in the back:
The best part was we made some new friends. Meet Maggie and Jasper. Maggie is very outgoing and had no trouble giving out sweet kisses to people she just met. Jasper, on the other hand, is quiet and reserved. He sat patiently while Mom and Maggie chatted the time away.
We headed home but stopped at the Golden Arches for a little party lunch.
Then Paisley generously shared some of the treats for dessert that she had selected. Well, after she had helped herself first. Guess you gotta make sure they're yummy enough for your guests...
I think the guests had a good time. They must have partied hardy as everyone took a little nap afterwards... including the people guests. Paisley sure knows how to have a good time, right guys??
We had fun with our fuzzy friends today. They add so much to our lives( mostly mud and dog fur!) but I couldn't be without them. If you're thinking about finding a new friend for your life, please remember all the sweet faces in animal shelters that are still waiting for their forever homes. Shelters are the only place where you can buy true love.
Did Paisley have fun? I think she'd say: It's the best birfday she's ever had!!